Global Network for Transformational Practitioners

Roxana StanciuTransformation Expert, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trauma Specialist

Roxana Stanciu

Transformation Expert, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trauma Specialist

roxana stanciu

Specialty: Trauma, Anxiety, Self-confidence

Location: Bordeaux, France [click the location to schedule your session]

Languages: French, Romanian, English

Formats for session delivery: Due to pandemic situation all sessions are currently conducted via Zoom.

FREE Transformational Recording in French

FREE Transformational Recording in Romanian

Francesco Saverio SapioCertified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced RTT Therapist

Francesco Saverio Sapio

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced RTT Therapist

Francesco Saverio Sapio

Specialty: Suicide risk, depression, anxiety, confidence

Location: Barcelona, Spain [click the location to schedule your session]

Languages: English, Spanish, Italian

Formats for session delivery: Due to pandemic situation all sessions are currently conducted via Zoom.

FREE Transformational Recording in Italian

Hanit BenbassatIntegrative Holistic Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist

Hanit Benbassat

Integrative Holistic Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist


Specialty: Confidence, abundance, creativity and healthy lifestyle for women and children

Location: Orlando, Florida, USA [click the location to schedule your session]

Languages: English, Hebrew

Formats for session delivery: Due to pandemic situation all sessions are currently conducted via Zoom.

FREE Transformational Recording in Hebrew (men)

FREE Transformational Recording in Hebrew (women)