Day to day life in our manic, civilized world represents an enormous challenge to our metabolism. The BEMER device increases impaired frequency of vasomotion of small and very small pre-capillary arteriolar vessels (< 100 μm) through an electromagnetic stimulation. This results in an improved distribution of local blood flow in the capillary network of microcirculation. Without this microvessel track driving, most of our cells would be denied the nutrients required to function. They would drown in their own waste without the blood flow to cleanse them. This is fundamental for all metabolic processes. It is through this flow, that our circulatory system distributes hormones, immune cells and other signaling molecules.


BEMER stands for Bio-Electric Magnetic Energy Regulation. The mat makes use of pulsed electro magnetic frequencies, or PEMF, to aid in the body’s circulation. There are magnetic fields and frequencies all around you every day. BEMER uses these same types of frequencies to normalize and optimize the body’s blood flow. As an example, the Bemer Mat is used by NASA for astronauts, as they cannot survive without the earth’s natural magnetic frequencies.


Over 70 percent of the blood vessels in the body are micro vessels. Merely everything in your body relies upon your circulation to properly function and thrive as your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It interacts with neurotransmitters to allow for both involuntary and voluntary bodily functions. The blood flow also cleanses and detoxifies cells to keep them healthy. The Bemer Mat is designed specifically to target these smaller vessels and improve your body’s process on a microcirculation level.


With regard to the human body, it has been said that blood flow is not everything...but without blood flow there is nothing. For those learning about Bemer for the first time, a cursory knowledge of the human body’s most essential needs is crucial in order to fully conceptualize the positive impact Bemer has onto health and well being.